Have a moment to wander off.
Silence out the city and all its noise.
Feel what addresses you to step into.
There is a duality going on,
forming tension and narrative.
Ilse Van Roy (1978) speaks TEXTILE and GLASS through her art. Both worlds demand a different physicality and perhaps form of breathing from her. From us. We are invited to consider matter and space, sensuality and guts. Van Roy’s work takes both materials to the limit and into the art of craft in combination with numerous other media. She wanders into photography, video, print, and shapes spaces of objects, objects shaped spaces, defining the void and fill.
Leading the glass studio at the PXL-MAD, School of Arts in Hasselt, Belgium since 2007 and teaching since 2021 at The Large Glass Department, Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam (NL), she has been guiding Bachelor and Master fine art students in their artistic oeuvre. Intertwining forms of art in numerous exhibitions throughout the continent, her work as educator has grown a researcher for matter and mass.
Text © Pablo Hannon
Video © www.hetbeweegt.be